Saturday 6 December 2008

Like quite a lot of other people in the country I anxiously awaited the results of "I'm a Celebrity" last night. It got me thinking about the nature of celebrity - why does it exist and why are we so fascinated with it?
In the past I've been a magazine junkie, buying up to 10 different ones, packed with celebrity gossip and devouring each and every one from cover to cover. Now I've restricted myself to 2 (only the the classier publications Now and The National Enquirer). If you asked me to name a film or television star's spouse or even the name of their kids there's a 95% chance that I'd be able to. Deep down I know it's stupid but I still do it.
So a certain person has managed to act on screen or record a song - no doubt there are plenty of people out there who given the opportunity could do better but for some reason or other haven't succeeded. The chosen few seem to acquire a pretty sheen - they're more beautiful than us, more charming. But they're only regarded as this because the majority imbue the minority with the power they hold over us. It's cyclical.
Stories from history, legends and myths are in there own way a sort of celebrity. We have always put others on pedestals - was this as inspiration? To be better people? What about today? Why do we worship at the feet of Brangelina, Posh and Becks and others?
Who can be sure, all that I know is I'm just as bad as everyone else.

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