Tuesday 9 December 2008

Why is it that we need validation from others in order to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities? Over the last few months I have entered several short story competitions (as well as ploughing on with my novel). Today I got the results of one of them and my name unfortunately was not amongst the list of lucky winners. Not that I really expected it to be, but I did hope and I was disappointed.
I hardly tell anyone that I write in my spare time. Why? Probably because I've never been published. I don't feel that I can call myself a writer until somebody else tells me that I am and I'm not really sure why that is. I suppose one of the reasons is that it is hard to be objective about your own writing. I do find it difficult to stand back and judge whether my own work is of a high enough standard.
And also it's much easier to be negative than it is to be positive; positivity takes energy. We also live in a society in which being positive is somehow viewed with disdain. If you say you're good at something you're big headed, egotistical.
What I have learnt today - It's okay to be upset when something you wanted didn't happen. Confidence comes from within. Only I can create it in myself; now I just need to believe it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hiya, Sam.
Just popped over from Talkback. You're right about confidence coming from within and if you've written a novel you must have it in abundance as I've not finished mine yet. I know what you mean about entering short story comps too. It's a real anti-climax when you don't even get short-listed. But remember, writing is subjective and only one person can win. All writers need positive feedback to spur them on otherwise it becomes VERY lonely. With this in mind check out the discussion I've just started on TB re a 'site for new writers.
Best of luck with the writing and keep up the good work.